Posted in Dear Diary series.

Dear Diary #1

 People say one-sided love hurts, I know it does, but there is a bright side of this love.  You know you will never lose her, no break ups, no fights. 
Isn’t that wonderful?
 Love where you don’t expect anything in return. 
Joy of seeing a smile on her face is far bigger than the pain of her not loving me back. You know, I’ll be her best friend, I’ll be the person she can always rely on. I know I will be hurt, but at least I can make her smile. And I suppose that’s what true love is, to see the person you love smile, no matter what. 

“Some love lasts a lifetime. True love lasts forever.”

Posted in Thoughts and writings.

Unlove Someone. 

Once upon a time, you loved someone, more than your life, he was your soulmate. 

And one day, you broke up, things didn’t turned out well between you both.  He no longer was your soulmate, or the love of your life. Now you want to unlove him because he broke you apart.  You start unloving him. 

But is it possible to unlove someone, someone who meant the world, little while ago. 

Unloving someone, you once loved is next to impossible. You never unlove people. You don’t wake up one morning and find that you no longer love that person. Forget months and years, sometimes it doesn’t happen in a life time. Once you have truly given your whole heart and soul to a person, you leave a piece of yourself with them, and even after months and years of non communication, and you would still wonder how that piece of you is doing. 

It’s kind of funny how in this era of social media, how quickly people fall in love, break up and again fall in love with someone else. It’s either they didn’t loved the person in first place and they were living the false idea of love or maybe they confused infatuation with love. These days  people mostly confuse infatuation with love. 

“You never stop loving someone, you either never did or you always will.”

You will always love the person whom you truly loved. Memories of them, flashbacks, will remind you now and then about the trip you didn’t take. 

Their memories will run parallel with your daily life. 

You never unlove people, and they never goes out of your life. They stays with you always. No matter how badly they treated you, they never goes out of your life. Once a person comes in your life and you give him/her a little space in your heart, they stay there forever. You just can’t unlove people. 

With time, you will definitely heal, but you will have this scar — this tiny space cut into you that’s reserved for that somebody who used to play a big part in your life. For better or for worse, the scar will stay with you forever.

I would love to know what you guys think about unloving someone. 

“I believe that people come into your life and then some go. I also think there’s a purpose as to why they were in your life at all. Each one takes a piece of you when they go. Some leave pieces of themselves with you. Sometimes its’s wisdom, or maybe, it’s a lesson.”

— Shey Stahl, Waiting for You

Art – christina nguyen, pic credits – Google. 

Posted in Scribbles

Scribble – 2

Her 3 am conversation reduced to occasional text messages. 

There she learned a lesson, 

“People change, not time.”

“Maybe sometimes people did not actually change. Maybe you just never knew who they really were.”

Posted in Poems

Lost love 💔

One day, 
you’ll search me in this whole town,
You will realize, 
when days will be passed by.
When no one could, 
 love you as much as I.

Love sucks, 
when its only you
The one who gives,
 until they are blue. 

Love is powerful, 
love is strong,
But if its only you, 
you feel so lost and wrong.

It feels like sword in chest,
I think of you everyday.
For you, my emotions;
are true and strong. 

This burning torment, 
inside my heart,
Will never go away, 
will never part.

They say love is blind, 
they were not lying
I feel for her, 
now I think about dying
The pain and the loneliness,
 that’s my hell.

How am I supposed to, 
handle all of this sorrows?
For me, 
will there even be a tomorrow?

“I know that’s what people say– you’ll get over it. I’d say it, too. But I know it’s not true. Oh, youll be happy again, never fear. But you won’t forget. Every time you fall in love it will be because something in the girl reminds you of her.”

Posted in Thoughts and writings.

Dear India 

Dear India, 

Hope you are doing good, we are also doing very well. We know that recently you are going through difficult times and we are confident that you will overcome them and emerge victorious. 

You always have. Your struggles and victories inspires us. We know that we have hurt you many times, we have criticized you a lot. Irrespective of all hate and hurt, you have forgiven us all the time. Thank you for forgiving us for our immature behavior all the time. 

And let us assure you that irrespective of all the differences we have between us, we love you the most and that love is going only going to increase. 

We also know that you are not happy with us. The way we treat our girls worries you. You are also disappointed with the fact that the women’s are still not independent. But let me tell you that we are progressing and soon all the girls of our country will be independent. Be confident about that. 

We have collectively failed you many times, but you still care about us and love us. Thanks for all your caring. 

Be strong, be diverse. 

Hugs and more hugs. 



P.S Let’s meet for coffee someday, we have a lot to discuss.

Posted in Poems

Rain and you👫⛈️ 

On that rainy day, 
The day our car broke down 
in the middle of rain. 
Looking at the rain through window, 
You said, 
“I feel forever with you.”
And I told you 
“Forever is a lie, 
 Between hello and good bye is all we have.”
You opened the window, 
While enjoying the rain 
You replied, 
“A lie, a beautiful lie.
 I want to live a lie.
Trying to close the window, 
I  looked at you and said.
“Lies are painful, 
All it gives you is
 tears in the eyes, 
aches in the heart.
And nothing else.
Putting your hand on my face, 
Looking into my eyes, 
You said,
“All I want is you, a lie, 
and nothing else.”
And we went out of the car, 
Feeling the rain, 
Like I have never felt before. 
You came close to me, 
And whispered in my ear, 
“Don’t think, 
It complicates things. 
Just feel.”
And then, 
You hugged me, 
We laughed, 
We danced and
We kissed. 
And I thought, 
“LIFE is complicated, but it’s wonderful.”